Did you miss the last Heartbeat 2 Home Educational Webinar?
No worries! You can access the recording here: https://zoom.us/rec/share/tAq4A7PJI2oi31XFfawtn18PJTMJoy_54_-_-4tAqM7TUsbbH7ZLLvT6DeYGX2YW.v2F2zHmZBGucIq7K Passcode: th?D6KCU We hope you enjoy this 45 minute presentation by the fantastic Neonatologist, Dr. Namrita Odackal as she presented “You Take My Breath Away – Respiratory Distress Syndrome”.

NANN and NANNP are seeking new leaders! Know someone who would be perfect for one of the open positions? Contact them and encourage them to apply! Log in to MyNANN to find more details on the open positions and to submit your application by April 12, 2021. http://ow.ly/la5N50DXHeA

Caring for Infants with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
Join Prolacta on February 9th at 2:00 CT for the next webinar in their virtual education series: Caring for Infants with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome. Register here or with this link: https://page.prolacta.com/caring-for-nas-infants-webinar Mindy Fuzesy, BSN, RNC, Medical Science Liaison, will be presenting the following learning objectives: Understand the Eat/Sleep/Console (E/S/C) model of care for infants with […]

NANN Connections: Caring for the Caregiver
When: Thursday, February 4, 2021 at 05:00 PM MT Join NANN for a virtual social event! This free virtual session will focus on the topic of self-care for neonatal nurses and will include an instructor-led barre workout, top stretches to do before and after your shift from a physical therapist, and group discussions on the […]